Spiritual Warfare Training Course

2018 – The Year the Spiritual War Erupts
Christians are under attack, spiritual attack everywhere. The war is on!
You need not suffer. You need not be a victim. You need not live your life under Fear or Oppression.
Are you prepared? Are you armed?
Armed with the teachings of God? He loves us and has given us the weapons to overcome.
It is time for every Christian to get trained. Trained in Biblical Spiritual Warfare by experts.
The solution– The “Spiritual Warfare Training Course” from The Joseph Plan.
You can learn to be an over-comer over all the evil in your life. Learn to live your life under the Love and Authority of the “Blood of Jesus”!
By making a commitment and getting trained, you can live the type of life God wants for you. You can live free of the demonic. You can be an overcomer over all evil influences coming against you.
Sign up today for the “Spiritual Warfare Training Course”. You can become armed like the thousands before you. Starting today you can become an over-comer.
This free spiritual warfare training course IS for you if you are interested in learning true biblical spiritual warfare. It is for you if you have a desire to become free of all the demonic in your life and empowered by Christ to take dominion over all evil. This training is for you if you want to learn the how’s and why’s of “Pleading the Blood of Jesus” for protection and freedom.
This is not a counseling course. It is a free education course of The Joseph Plan to help raise up spiritual warriors for Christ, that can then go on to help themselves and others in need. This is a free service of The Joseph Plan and open to all adult, mature Christians.
Sign up for the free twenty lesson email spiritual warfare training that will be sent to your Inbox every five days. In 40 days you will be fully trained and armed. The free email training does not include the cost of the course textbook. The textbook is the “Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual” and is available off the menu bar.
Or you can purchase the complete Spiritual Warfare Training Course in book form, entitled “Overcome Evil”. It is available in pdf instant download or in soft cover through Amazon Create Space. Sign up today with the sign-up form and link below.
You can learn to be a warrior, an over-comer over all the evil in your life. In Overcoming Evil you will learn to live your life IN and under the “Authority of the Blood of Jesus”! An eight lesson training course that will change your life. Includes the “Self Deliverance” bonus lesson.
Table of Contents for Overcoming Evil
Title page
Lesson One-Basics of Becoming an Overcomer
Lesson Two- Understanding the problem
Lesson Three- Obtaining the Authority over the enemy
Lesson Four- Seek Righteousness, Gain Power
Lesson Five- Symptoms of Demonic Oppression
Lesson Six- Deliverance from all Demonic
Lesson Seven- How and Why to Plead the Blood of Jesus
Lesson Eight- Putting it all into action
Bonus lesson- Self Deliverance
About the Author-Rev Thomas Holm
Go to the Spiritual Warfare Book Store to order your pdf instant download of Overcoming Evil. It will be sent to your inbox today. Click here.
To order a soft cover book of Overcoming Evil, go to Amazon Create Space here. Five days shipping to much of the world.
To enroll in the free Spiritual Warfare Training, where each lesson will arrive by email every five days, please fill out the below form and be sure to confirm your registration with the link sent to your email box.